Worship Ministry

The Worship Ministry at Stilwell United Methodist Church guides the congregation in both establishing a profound connection with, and expressing their devotion to, Almighty God. This ministry serves as the foundation of the church's spiritual life through gathering, proclaiming God's boundless love, responding to this divine affection, and sharing it within the community and beyond. Leaders within the Worship Ministry are deliberate in crafting services that incorporate prayer, preaching, music, moments of reflective silence, communion, baptism, and other deeply experiential elements. These components work together to create a sacred space where individuals can truly encounter the presence of the living Christ, fostering a deeper relationship with Him.

For those seeking to delve further into the aspects of worship or to contribute to its various expressions, Jennifer Ruhnke, the Worship Ministry Chair, stands ready to provide more information and warmly welcomes inquiries and participation in this vital aspect of Stilwell UMC's communal life

The Music Ministry at Stilwell United Methodist Church offers two vibrant avenues for those inclined towards musical expression: The Choir & The Band, each welcoming participants to contribute their talents to worship services and beyond.

The Choir: The Sanctuary Choir invites individuals of all skill levels to join them in song! Rehearsals take place early Sunday mornings in the Choir Room, followed by a brief coffee break and a sound check in the Sanctuary. While a previous choral background is beneficial, it's not mandatory, as the choir values the addition of new voices to enrich their harmonious offerings. Solo opportunities are also available for those looking to showcase their individual talents. Blair Walker is the point of contact for anyone interested in learning more about the choir, attending rehearsals, or becoming a part of this welcoming musical family.

The Band: For those looking to explore or share their instrumental or vocal skills in a more contemporary setting, the Stilwell Band offers a dynamic platform. Open to individuals aged 16 and above, the band provides a chance to get involved in the church's worship services in a unique and fulfilling way. Rehearsals are held on Sunday mornings and EB Barnhart is ready to answer any inquiries, help newcomers integrate into rehearsals, or provide further details about joining the band's ranks.

Both branches of the Music Ministry are dedicated to enhancing the worship experience through music and offering a welcoming environment for everyone from seasoned musicians to enthusiastic beginners. Whether through the traditional choir or the contemporary band, there's a place for every musical talent to be celebrated and shared within the Stilwell UMC community.

Other Worship Opportunities

Stilwell United Methodist Church offers a variety of roles for those looking to serve and lead within worship services, ensuring that every congregant has the opportunity to contribute to the spiritual life of the community.

Lay Readers: Emphasizing the communal nature of scripture, lay readers play a vital role in worship by reading selected texts during services. This ministry is open to individuals of any age, provided they are prepared and familiar with the scripture before their reading. Those interested in serving as a Lay Reaer are encouraged to reach out to Teresa Schulte to get involved.

Ushers & Greeters: Serving as the welcoming face of the church, ushers and greeters are crucial to fostering a hospitable and inclusive atmosphere during worship services. With roles available for 2-4 individuals per service, volunteers assist worshippers, answer questions, and ensure that every person feels both acknowledged and valued from the moment they step into the church. This ministry of hospitality is open to practically anyone, regardless of age, and is a wonderful way to embody the church's commitment to community and fellowship. Jennifer Ruhnke is the contact for those looking to join this warm and welcoming team.

Acolytes: The acolyte ministry offers a unique way to assist in worship services, embodying the role of "helper" by supporting the pastor with tasks such as serving communion, holding the baptismal font, and carrying the light of Christ into and out of the Sanctuary. This role is significant in symbolizing the presence of Christ and is available to congregants of any age who wish to play a more active role in the service. Those feeling called to this ministry of assistance and symbolism are invited to speak with Pastor Phil.

Each of these roles contributes to the smooth operation and deep spiritual experience of worship at Stilwell UMC, highlighting the church's dedication to involving the congregation in meaningful ways. Whether through reading scripture, welcoming attendees, or assisting in service rituals, there's a place for everyone to serve and lead in worship.

Ecumenical Ministry within the United Methodist tradition plays a pivotal role in fostering unity and cooperation among different Christian denominations. This approach is deeply rooted in our understanding that all Christians are part of the broader body of Christ, regardless of denominational boundaries. 

By actively engaging in ecumenical dialogues, worship, and mission work, we not only enrich our own faith practices but also contribute to the healing of divisions within the wider Christian community. Such efforts underscore our commitment to living out Jesus' prayer "that they all may be one" (John 17:21), reflecting a belief in the importance of visible unity and shared witness in the world. 

Through participating in ecumenical ministries, The United Methodist Church emphasizes the importance of collaboration, mutual respect, and love, seeking to be a bridge-builder in a fragmented world. 

(The image here is of the 2024 Good Friday worship service that was led by the clergy from the local Baptist, United Methodist, and Episcopal churches.)  

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